Invisalign is a set of clear, clean, plastic aligners which gradually move your teeth.  Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed so you can eat, drink, and brush just like normal!

The Invisalign process begins with a careful examination to determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment.  Once it is determined that you qualify a complete set of photographs and impressions are made and sent to Invisalign.  This information is used to create a custom animation which will show your estimated timeline and final results.  If you approve of your plan then a few weeks later I will deliver to you the first aligner and show you how to wear and maintain it.  You will wear your aligners for 18-22 hours per day and change to a new aligner every 2 weeks.  Once you have completed the treatment a set of clear, removable retainers are made for you to wear at night.